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Get answers to your questions about IPL treatments and how the technology works.

Q: What can be treated with intense pulsed light systems – IPL?

A range of concerns can be treated, including:

  • The elimination of sun spots, freckles and other skin discolouration
  • Removal of vascular lesions
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Acne reduction

Q: Who is suitable for intense pulsed light treatments – IPL?

  • Most people can have IPL treatment
  • Consult your Dr if you have any suspicious lesions
  • People who have been tanning or have dark skin may be at higher risk
  • Your trained therapist should be able to determine your suitability

Q: Does IPL treatment hurt?

  • No skin desensitisation is required
  • You may feel a slight level of discomfort with each application
  • This will reduce as the area being treated responds to the therapy

Q: Are there any side effects?

  • Short term effects are possible
  • Redness can occur in the area being treated
  • This will disappear soon after the treatment

Q: What about down time after the treatment?

  • Generally you can return to normal activities straight after
  • A minimum of 4 weeks is required before exposure to sunlight

Q: Number of treatments and treatment frequency for each application:

  • Sun spot reduction:  1 – 4 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart
  • Vascular lesions:  2 – 4 treatments, spaced 2 weeks apart
  • Skin rejuvenation:   2 – 4 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart
  • Acne treatments:  may be ongoing weekly or fortnightly

*The number of treatments required varies, depending on initial skin condition.

How long do IPL treatments take?

Your Intense Pulsed Light treatment takes around the same amount of time as a wax treatment for the same area.  The first visit will be around 30 minutes to perform as we need to do a patch test and ask you some questions.


Why are Laser/IPL treatments costly?

This simple reason for this is due to the high acquisition cost of machines, maintenance and the materials used during these treatments, are also very costly.  However, when you consider the cost of waxing over the years, in addition to the time it takes out of your busy day – the benefits outweigh the initial upfront cost.

Will I have to come back for repeat skin rejuvenation treatments?

In relation to pigmentation – If you have skin that is easily sun-damaged (freckled) and pre-caution is not taken to protect your skin, by using sunscreen daily, in addition to a Vitamin c Serum to inhibit melanin from developing, it is likely you will need “top-up” treatments.

In relation to vascular lesions – It will depend what the trigger was.  In some cases, you may only require a few treatments and no follow up, on the other hand, skin conditions such as Rosacea, will need on-going maintenance and home care for the best possible results.

What areas of the body can be treated?

Generally any part of the body can be treated. Exceptions include areas in close proximity to the eyes, the inner ear and nose.

The most popular areas for hair removal are the underarms, bikini, upper lip, chin, face, legs, back & chest.

The most popular areas for skin treatments are the face, arms, hands, décolletage and legs.